Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh my

I hate to even blog about this but Matt & I are kind of at the end of our ropes with ideas. Jasmine has been having a very difficult time at school since she got here. She is not adapting like we were hoping. Actually I don't know if that's even the right word. She's just struggling to follow the rules. She's just very disrespectful to everyone and we really don't know what to do. I'm meeting with her teacher, guidance counselor and principal today and I'm hoping we can come up with a solution to the problem. Jasmine truly is the most loving child I've met. She just wants to snuggle and be loved, but there's some what of a disconnect somewhere. It's almost like she thinks if she's bad then she'll get all of the attention she's craving. She's definitely getting it, but it's in the form of punishments, and I absolutely hate it! I know that Matt does as well. She keeps telling us things that she did before coming to our house and I have had to quit being surprised. She told Matt last night that she was bad all the time at her old school and she couldn't wait to act out because everyone liked it. How sad!! It just broke my heart when he told me that. She then told him that she couldn't wait to be 21 so she could act out on the dance floor!! Okay, I couldn't quit giggling over that one, but still. We've been throwing around different ideas of organized things we could get her in. We've talked about sports, gymnastics, dance, and karate. I really like the karate idea because it really teaches about discipline. I don't know, we'll just have to see, but I feel very sad for the things that Jasmine is going through right now. I know this hasn't been easy for her, but it's also not acceptable behaviors regardless of the situation. Anyway, depending on the meeting today, we'll see what they suggest and I may blog about it later.


Melissa S. said...

She's an ANGEL in primary. She smiles and participates so well for me. Of course, I don't know how she is in class. Maybe call sister hinshaw and see how she does in class. If she's really good, ask Sister Hinshaw what the secret is. Sister Hinshaw teaches in elementary school as well, so she may know some tricks. her number is773-0306
Another idea, is to think of something that she REALLY likes or wants to do. With each kid it's going to Chuck E. Cheese, getting a new baby doll (my boys wanted light sabers), or a bag of Skittles, or a movie night, etc. Anyway, maybe a sticker chart of something of good days at school in order to earn some of those? Let us know how it goes. One thing good about parenting is that if you just express concern around others there will be MANY that have been there and are willing to help!

Lindsey Roberts said...

Thanks Melissa, you're always so helpful!