Friday, March 12, 2010


Jasmine got in trouble yesterday for pushing a little girl. When Matt asked her why she did it she said that she was trying to help her. LOL! I didn't know you had to push someone to help them. She then told Matt that some fourth grade bullies came up to her and asked her if she wanted to be a bully too. She told them no. Now whether the last part is true or not, we're not sure, but when Matt told me this today I couldn't quit giggling about it. I know it's not funny that she's pushing people, but I'm just having to laugh at the story. Also, so you don't worry, we've been trying to explain to her she needs to keep her hands to herself because this is the second time she's gotten in trouble for touching someone. The first time she came home and told us she elbowed someone. When I asked her why she elbowed the person she said it was an accident. The girl was standing in her spot in line so she elbowed her to get her out of her spot! I tried to explain that didn't sound like an accident and it sounded like she did it on purpose, so then after pausing she said, yeah, I did do it on purpose. I'm afraid we're going to get a phone call that she actually hit someone one of these days. Let's hope not though!


Jen said...

Jasmine sounds a lot like"Junie B. Jones". You would probably really get a kick out of reading those books with her. My kids LOVE them. Junie B has many of the same "issues" as Jasmine is having... Oh, the joys of parenthood! ;)

Lindsey Roberts said...

We'll have to go to the library and get some of them. I remember reading them with my little sister who is graduating this year. :)